Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Mexico Remixed

Here is my latest refresh of my clipboards! I took one iconic image from our trip to Mexic0 and remixed it a variety of ways. I pulled it into Photoshop and added filters to create various looks like watercolor and chalk. I also pulled it into two of my favorite online photo editing websites - Picnik and BeFunky. It was fun to see what different effects I could create.

I used iPhoto to add text in the corner saying Mexico 2009. Then I printed on glossy paper.

When I put them up on the clipboards they seemed a little bland. So I added some pieces of blue scrapbook paper in back to pull in the colors of the sky and ocean.


Rebekah said...

these clipboards are a really cute idea and I love that you used the same picture but changed the effect on it

YayaOrchid said...

Wow! How very clever! I like the clipboard and the different looks for one photo.


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